Monday, January 5, 2015

Living Room Feature Wall: Part I

Making the decision to move from the city to the country 3 1/2 years ago was a no brainer for us. The only hard part was leaving our historic home full of character and charm that we had grown to love dearly and had fixed up to make our own. If only we could have just moved the house!

Our home in the country is just a few years old which is awesome (the windows don't leak!), but it lacks the character that we really miss about our old house in the city. Ever since we moved out here, we've been trying to incorporate charm into our home little by little, and have always wanted to create a big built-in shelving unit on the feature wall in our living room.

It took us 3 1/2 years to decide what to do, but finally we are getting started! Phase 1 was creating a focal point in the center of the room with our electric fireplace and some old reclaimed wood David received in exchange for helping out a friend with a project last summer (which made our project super cheap - can't beat that!). 

David was the brains and brawn behind this phase of the project, so I mostly just supervised. He gets all the credit here. It turned out great!

The fireplace is at the very center of the living room/kitchen open area and really anchors the space. We are still deciding on whether or not to put a mantle and artwork up or keep it clean and minimal as is. I think as we go along with the rest of the project we will get a better idea of exactly how we want the fireplace to look.

We are getting started on the next phase right now, but this will take a bit longer since it involves more prep work with the materials. Here's a sneak peek - any guesses as to what it may be?? :)



  1. I'm surprised you don't have a wood-burner out there: we had one in the cellar of our old place years ago; that, and gas cooking with pilot lights. During the so-called Y2K (which terrified everybody), we were oblivious and even decided only to light candles for a few days, just not to know if society crumbled when we weren't looking (sadly, it didn't: probably the worst thing to happen this century). I would always be afraid that if the power went out, there was no auxiliary way to heat, except for piles of cats and animals, which is cheaper than wood-burning and better for the environment.
    You could still make hidden panels in that wood fireplace. But the things sticking out of the side, I don't know what they are yet. You guys are always busy around there—you're still so young and full of energy.
    (I see that giant cat in the first picture, sniffing a chair or something.)

  2. I love it! Looks beautiful. Great inspiration for in my house as we don't have a wood or gas stove (yet) but have been thinking about an electric one for our lower level. This would be an easy weekend project once we collected all the materials!

  3. It's gorgeous.
    But have no idea about the next phase....shelves?

  4. Hey Tammy, happy new year! Loving that fireplace/chimney, it's made it a real focal point for the room.
    Janie x

  5. That is SO creative. It definitely adds massive character!

  6. I love it! It gives the room a warm cozy look. Can't imagine what the other part will be.

  7. That turned out awesome. Gosh, what a change! The wood is lovely as is. Doesn't need a mantle or anything else to distract from it. I'm guessing some sort of shelves out to the side. Look forward to finding out. Happy New Year! Tammy

  8. Oh wow I love it! Definitely transforms the fireplace into the focal point of your room!

  9. Well, look who's back! :) Love what you did around your fireplace. Looks great!

  10. Wow, looks great.
    Looking forward to what is next. :-)

  11. Oh my goodness-- this absolutely GORGEOUS!

    Well done you two!

  12. I absolutely love this! What a perfect addition to your home, it seems just perfect! Also, loving that egg photo sitting next to the fireplace :)
    Happy New year!

  13. Hi Tammy, Love phase one, can't wait to see phase 2. Happy 2015!

  14. Hi Tammy, I love what your did around your fireplace. The reclaimed wood looks beautiful. A great makeover.. have a happy day!

  15. Looks awesome! The reclaimed wood gives it a really nice look.
    Happy New Year!

  16. oh WOW, i LOVE that! can't wait to see the rest and no, i have no idea! happy new year!!

  17. Tammy, I think of you often and am so excited to see an update from you!
    You guys did great - I love the look!!!
    You have me stumped on the next phase, my first thought was re-bar when I saw it. I look forward to finding out.
    Happy New Year!

  18. It's good to see you back! Hope you had a good holiday. I LOVE the look of it right now. Awesome job David!

  19. That makes quite a statement! So glad to see you posting again. We've missed you!

  20. It's looking so great! I vote to put a mantle in it but I'm just partial to decorating mantles. :-)

  21. Hi Tammy - so happy to see that you are blogging again! Love your fireplace - so beautiful with the reclaimed wood. Glad you are back! xo Karen

  22. Hi Tammy it is good to see you here blogging again. I love the fireplace makes a great center piece catches the eye that's for sure.
    Sheila x

  23. Love the updates and the fireplace is a BEAUTIFUL focal point in your room. Can't wait to see the rest! :) Missed you my friend, happy 2015!

  24. Whooohooooo You're back! I am so happy to see you. LOVE the fireplace, it looks great! Is that re-bar sticking out of the side? Interesting, can't wait to see phase 2

  25. Hi Tammy - I'm so happy to see you back, although I've been pretty absent, too! I love your fireplace so far - it's got some great rustic charm. I can't wait to see phase 2!!

  26. I have always loved your eye for simple style. We live in a newer home also, and I totally get the "it lacks character" feel!

  27. Love the way its boarded up above the fireplace.

  28. It's beautiful!! I love the clean, minimal look of it too! Can't wait to see what else y'all come up with!!!

  29. My friend!! I so wish your blog had stopped appearing on my dashboard. I always think you've stopped blogging and then I visit and see that you still are. Maybe I need to follow by email or something. How've you been??

    1. I just unfollowed and then immediately re-followed. Let's see if that works :)

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  31. The fireplace is at the very center of the living room/kitchen open area and really anchors the space. Look very good and amazing. Now it's time to avail vacuum sealer bags for more information.

  32. I’m loving this project update. The reclaimed wood and fireplace are such unique touches. I recently bought a mattress topper to add some comfort to my bed, and it’s made all the difference. Sometimes, small additions make the biggest impact. I can’t wait to see how the feature wall turns out. It’s going to add so much charm to your space!


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